Education and Capacity Building

Achievements Since Inception

  • Distributed over 1,000 copies of the Holy Quran and over 7,000 Yasarnas to various schools and mosques across the country to support correct Quran recitation.
  • Paid school fees and procured school requirements for more than 10 orphans and needy students spread across primary, secondary and vocational education institutions
  • Supplied school necessities to various orphans and needy students on a termly and ongoing basis
  • Facilitated the delivery of Islamic classes to Muslim pupils in 2 Christian schools, a total of 325 pupils over the last 9 years
  • Facilitated youth empowerment sessions for teenage Muslim youth in secondary schools
  • Facilitated leadership development sessions for women in business to enhance productivity skills
Muslim Youth Enpowerment Program – Nabisunsa